10 Simple Zen Rules For Singers

Kathryn Parsley
2 min readOct 4, 2020

Ask any singer who has studied with any teacher or been part of any musical group for any length of time and they will tell you… there are rules. Loose rules. Strict rules. Rules that only apply to one director or to a specific style of music. Some are great rules. Some are absolutely terrible.

In honor of those teachers, directors, and colleagues who endured, made, and broke these and many more rules, I present 10 Simple Zen Rules As Illustrated By Comments Made By Teachers.

  1. Focus on one thing at a time.
    “Don’t worry about the words right now. Sing it on “ah” and let’s re-work this phrase.”
  2. Do not rush into doing anything.
    “Did you look at the tempo marking before you started? You should probably take a quick look before you begin again.”
  3. Always finish one task before the next.
    “Finish the phrase with as much deliberate focus as you began it.”
  4. Always try to live in the moment.
    “GET OUT OF YOUR HEAD! You both look and sound like you’re counting really hard.”
  5. Create time for leisure.
    “There is no orchestra under you at that part. Take your time. Enjoy the sound of your voice. Everyone else is.”
  6. Do things with humility and expect no reward.
    “If any of you are going into this for the applause, we need to sit down and have a talk.”
  7. Create time for some regular tasks.
    “How is your practice journal going? Any observations thus far?”
  8. Take good care of your body.
    “Drink water. Why aren’t you drinking water? Here’s a bottle of water.”
  9. Think very well before you act.
    Because I heard it on YouTube is not a good enough justification for making that musical decision. You can do it when you can defend the choice.”
  10. Treat people the way you want to be treated.
    “You know that comment you want to make to you colleague that you think would be so helpful? They don’t want to hear it. Keep it to yourself.”

Dedicated with love and respect to all my friends, colleagues, teachers, students, directors, friends, and fans.

